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A Muslim Wife's Paramount Role in Marriage

Muslim wife Prudence is an integral part of the marriage as she has several roles to play to make her husband happy. Here we will discuss some of the most critical roles a Muslim's wife plays in her marriage. Role of A Muslim's Wife in Marriage: Muslim women have a unique and essential role in Islamic marriage. Muslim women take care of their husbands and children. They are also expected to work outside the home if they can find employment that is compatible with their religious beliefs. However, Muslim women do not always have the same rights as men in Islamic marriage. For example, Muslim women cannot divorce their husbands without approval from religious authorities. Sometimes, a woman may obtain a divorce through legal means if her husband is abusive or neglectful, but this is not always the case. Overall, Muslim wives play an essential role in Islamic marriage by taking care of their husbands and children and working outside the home if they can find employment th

Are Drugs in Islam a taboo?

Drug addiction is an intense and chronic disorder characterized by compulsive drug use that continues despite adverse consequences. Many people mistakenly think that drug addiction only affects people addicted to drugs such as cocaine or heroin. In reality, drug addiction can affect anyone who consumes drugs. Drug addiction is a severe medical condition that can lead to a loss of productivity, financial instability, and even incarceration. In Islam, drug use is generally considered taboo. Muslims are instructed not to consume any intoxicants, including marijuana and alcohol. Some Islamic scholars believe that marijuana may have some medicinal benefits, but they consider it illicit. Because of this prohibition against using drugs, people addicted to drugs often find it difficult to recover from their addiction. How are drugs taboo in Islam? In Islam, drugs are considered taboo. However, there are several references to alcohol in the Quran , and experts say that drugs may also be

The appropriate way to Propose a Girl

In Islam, there are specific ways to propose to a girl. These methods are based on the Islamic guidelines of marriage. According to Islam, one should propose respectfully to the woman, and it should not be coercive or unexpected. Islamic marriage proposal quotes emphasize the importance of sincerity and respect. A prospective groom should develop a romantic gesture or proposal that shows his interest in the woman he is interested in, rather than simply asking for her hand in marriage. Joint proposals include flowers, chocolates, or spending time together outside of work. Always remember that a woman's consent is essential to a successful Islamic marriage proposal, so make sure you are respectful and sincere in your actions. "Allah has prescribed for you the marriageable age and has determined a term for you. That term is thirty years." Quran 2:223 There are several ways to propose a woman in Islam: ·          Express your love for her by writing or saying somethi

Eid ul Fitr 2022 – The sunnah ways of Celebrating Eid

Eid-ul-Fitr , also known as the Festival of the End of Ramadan, is one of Islam's most important religious holidays. It also marks the conclusion of the holy month of Ramadan. It celebrates the Islamic faith's most significant event - Prophet Muhammad's acceptance of Islam after being presented with a revelation from God. Eid-ul-Fitr is celebrated by Muslims worldwide and marks one month into Shawwal, the ninth month in the Islamic lunar calendar. What is Eid-ul-Fitr? Eid-ul-Fitr marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan and the birth of Shawwal, which is the tenth month in the Muslim year. Eid-ul-Fitr celebrations typically include religious ceremonies, family reunions, and lavish meals. What is the Date of Eid-ul-Fitr 2022? Eid-ul-Fitr is the most important and sacred day in the Islamic calendar. The Eid-ul-Fitr holiday commemorates the end of the holy month of Ramadan and marks the beginning of Eid al-Adha, known as Eid Qurban, one of the two major annual Muslim

Good Bye Dear Ramadan

A guest rarely stays long with his host during Ramadan , as the time comes to say goodbye. After dropping by for a while and completing the courtesy call, the guest will finally leave. It's unclear when he'll return, as he could have left for his destination or returned at an appointed time but might not find the same host. Muslims around the world expect Ramadan to last for about 29 or 30 days, but no one knows how long it will last. This unpredictability is why Muslims cannot rely on Ramadan happening every year.   Ramadan is a time of fasting and prayer for Muslims worldwide. This year, Ramadan began on April 2nd and will end on May 2nd. Why is Ramadan Important? Ramadan is one of the most essential and sacred festivals in Islam. It is celebrated annually by Muslims worldwide to commemorate that Prophet Muhammad observed from dawn to dusk during Ramadan in 630 CE. Muslims believe that fasting during Ramadan helps them to better understand and connect with God. The Quran sta

Virtues of the blessing month of Ramadan

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. It is a time of fasting and prayer for Muslims worldwide. It is a time of self-reflection and growth for Muslims. What are the Benefits of Fasting in Ramadan? It is a month of fasting, praying, charity and reflection. The primary benefit of fasting during Ramadan is that it helps Muslims focus on their spiritual obligations. It gives Muslims time to reflect on their relationships with God and develop closer ties with family and friends. Ramadan also provides an opportunity for Muslims to improve their overall health by reducing the number of calories they consume. How to Make Ramadan a Period of blessings? Ramadan is one of the six Islamic months that Muslims observe. It commemorates the first revelation of the Holy Quran to the Prophet Muhammad. The focus during Ramadan is on practicing self-restraint, gratitude, and humility. What are Some Ramadan virtues ? It is a time of spiritual renewal and introspection for Muslim

Judgement Day - Major Signs

Judgment Day is when the world will end, and only those who have been accepted into Heaven will survive. What is Judgment Day? Judgment day is a day in the future when all people will judge for their deeds in life. Many signs indicate that judgment day is near. Some people say that Judgment Day will be marked by global warming, wars, and natural disasters. What are the Signs of Judgment Day? Judgment day is when the final judgment will make in the world. It is also known as the Day of Justice, The Day of Reckoning, or The Great White Throne Judgment. Many signs indicate judgment day is near. According to the Quran , the Signs of Judgment Day are many and varied. Some signs include the sun going dark, earthquakes and natural disasters, people dying suddenly in large numbers, and birds disappearing. In the Islamic tradition, these indicate that Allah is about to deliver his judgment on humanity. ·          The end of the world. ·          People start to misbehave in a wa

Surah Baqarah - Second Surah of the Holy Quran

Surah Baqarah is the second-longest surah of the Qur'an. It is a Meccan surah, revealing it to the Muslims in Mecca. This surah contains some of the most important verses of the Qur'an. The Importance of Surah Baqarah Surah Baqarah is the most important surah in the Quran. It has a lot of essential teachings, and it is one of the longest surahs in the Quran. There are a lot of verses in Surah Baqarah that talk about how we should live our lives. One of the main things that Surah Baqarah teaches us is that we should always try to obey Allah and never do anything that He doesn't want us to do. ·          Surah Baqarah deals with the topic of faith (iman), and it is one of the longest surahs in the Quran . ·          The main themes of Surah Baqarah are justice, submission to God, and repentance. ·          Surah Baqarah also emphasizes the importance of prayer (salat). ·          Finally, Surah Baqarah teaches believers to live a righteous life in this world.

Truthfulness and honesty of the Holy Prophet (SAW)

Prophet Muhammad (saw) was the most honest and truthful person ever. He never lied or deceived his followers. The Qur'an has several verses which emphasize the importance of truthfulness and honesty . One such verse is:  "Tell the truth, even if it hurts." (Qur'an, 49:12) This Qur'anic injunction reflects the fundamental principle that honesty is essential for successful interpersonal relationships. Honesty also plays a vital role in maintaining communal harmony. The Qur'an stresses no one should ever deceive others or speak falsely to gain an advantage. The Prophet Muhammad was a model of honesty and integrity. He never lied or deceived anyone, even when it could have benefited him politically or financially. His example set a substantial standard for his followers to follow. The Prophet Muhammad was always truthful with his companions, family members, and enemies alike. Honesty and Truthfulness of Prophet Muhammad (saw) Honesty and truthfulness