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Showing posts with the label pregnancy

What Are The Rewards of Pregnancy In Islam?

  Pregnancy is a beautiful experience that all women should experience. However, some benefits of pregnancy are mentioned in the Quran. In this blog, we will discuss the rewards of pregnancy in the light of the Quran and how they can improve your life as a pregnant woman. The Rewards of Pregnancy:  The Quran is full of guidance for pregnant women and their families. The verses instruct pregnant women to eat nutritious foods, drink plenty of water, and rest during their pregnancies. The Quran also encourages pregnant women to take care of themselves physically and emotionally and avoid harming their unborn children. These rewards will be given in the Hereafter, according to the Quran. Pregnancy is when a woman is surrounded by love and care, which can be spiritually rewarding. It also allows her to bond with the unborn child and provides physical benefits such as increased strength and size. Sometimes, it can even lead to a happy ending. Many rewards come ...