Judgment Day is when the world will end, and only those who have been accepted into Heaven will survive.
What is Judgment Day?
Judgment day
is a day in the future when all people will judge for their deeds in life. Many
signs indicate that judgment day is near. Some people say that Judgment Day
will be marked by global warming, wars, and natural disasters.
What are the Signs of Judgment Day?
day is when the final judgment will make in the world. It is also known as the
Day of Justice, The Day of Reckoning, or The Great White Throne Judgment. Many
signs indicate judgment day is near.
to the Quran, the Signs of
Judgment Day are many and varied. Some signs include the sun going dark,
earthquakes and natural disasters, people dying suddenly in large numbers, and
birds disappearing. In the Islamic tradition, these indicate that Allah is
about to deliver his judgment on humanity.
The end
of the world.
start to misbehave in a way that does not seem natural. For example, people may
start to kill and hurt each other for no reason.
The sun
will be darkened.
moon will not give its light.
stars will fall from the sky.
earth will be burned up.
and seas will dry up.
mountains shall move, and the hills shall be removed.
What Will Happen When Judgment Day Arrives?
to the Quran, Judgment Day
will arrive when the hereafter begins. People will judge based on their deeds
in this life and their beliefs in the hereafter. Some of the significant signs
that indicate Judgment Day is near include:
The end of the world
People experiencing great pain
The emergence of false messiahs
Judgment Day
is an important day for all the people worldwide. It is when they can meet God
face to face and be forgiven for their sins.
According to the Quran, several significant signs will occur on Judgement Day. These signs will indicate that the time has come for judgment to be handed down. Some of these signs include: the sun and moon will be darkened, a great earthquake will occur, the earth will split into two, rivers and seas will rise and fall, birds will leave their nests, and animals will become extinct.
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