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Taqwa in Ramadan-Hadiths and Quran

Taqwa is a critical Islamic term meaning piety and fear of God. Its observance during Ramadan cultivates inner peace, self-restraint, and gratitude. Taqwa is also thought to protect Muslims from harm and guide them towards righteous deeds. If you are looking to attain Taqwa during this time, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will discuss how to achieve Taqwa in Ramadan.   Learn About Taqwa: Taqwa is an Arabic word that means "fear of Allah", "piety", or "god consciousness". Taqwa is an essential part of Islamic life. Muslims believe it is the only way to achieve peace and salvation in this world and the next.    Allah (SWT) says in the Quran :  "And whoever fears Allah–He will make for him a way out" (65:2).   Muslims are encouraged to make Taqwa their priority in life. It is the key to happiness and success in this world and the next. It is a Muslim's responsibility to have Taqwa. Taqwa can achieve this by

Tarawih- Night prayer during Ramadan

  Tarawih is an Islamic night prayer that is offered during Ramadan. It is an essential prayer for Muslims and is usually done before sundown.   What is Tarawih? Tarawih is a prayer that Muslims offer in the month of Ramadan. Muslims believe the Quran was first revealed to Prophet Muhammad in Ramadan, and so they also believe that reciting it during this month will have a unique effect on their souls.   The Tarawih prayer is performed at night after Isha (night) prayer. The number of rakahs (units) performed during Tarawih depends on how much time one has before the start of Fajr (dawn).   Why Is It Important to Offer Tarawih? Tarawih is an integral part of the Muslim religion. It is a time for Muslims to offer night prayers to Allah. It is a time when Muslims can focus on their spirituality and pray for the forgiveness of their sins.   To offer Tarawih, one must have completed the daily five prayers and be in ritual purity. The prayers are offered at night, after sunset and before da

Health Issues In Ramadan

  Ramadan is a long period of fasting and prayer for Muslims worldwide. Many people know that Ramadan can be difficult for Muslims with health issues . Few know about the specific challenges that come with this month. What Health Issues Come with Ramadan? Ramadan is a time to focus on your spiritual health and connect with God. However, fasting can also be an intense physical challenge. During Ramadan, Muslims abstain from foods and drinks from sunrise to sunset. It can lead to dehydration, fatigue, and even electrolyte problems. People may also experience changes in their mood and energy levels and increased hunger cravings. In addition, during Ramadan, it is essential to monitor your diet carefully to make sure you are eating the right amount of nutrients and calories. Finally, it is crucial to be aware of the common health issues that can arise during this period. For example, pregnant or breastfeeding people should discuss any concerns they have about fasting with their doctor bef


  Ramadan is a time of fasting and prayer for Muslims worldwide. Ramadan is one of the most critical months in the Islamic calendar. It is when Muslims can receive their rewards for fasting in Ramadan.   What are the Rewards of Fasting in Ramadan? Ramadan is a month-long holy month of Islam in which Muslims fast from dawn to dusk. The primary purpose of fasting is to improve one's spiritual and moral condition, but physical benefits are. Fasting helps burn calories, reduces stress, and can improve moods. In addition, it has been shown to increase vigilance, concentration, and stamina. Ramadan also offers opportunities for socializing with friends and family and engaging in charitable work.   How Can One Get These Rewards? Ramadan is a time of fasting and prayer. Muslims worldwide celebrate this month by attempting to follow Allah's commandments. During Ramadan, Muslims are encouraged to abstain from eating, drinking, smoking, and sexual relations from dawn until d

Husband-Wife Quotes In Islam

Islam is the predominant religion globally, and it has a rich history. One of the most significant aspects of Islam is the wives' role in society. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said,   "A woman is like a piece of gold; she should not display in public except with her husband's permission."     To ensure that wives are respected and treated fairly, Islam has established laws and regulations about their treatment. Husbands handle their wives' well-being and must protect them from harm. Islam also teaches husbands to love and care for their wives.   These teachings help create a solid marital relationship where both partners feel valued and respected. Islam has instilled values in spouses that help create solid marital relationships. Many people believe that taking care of your mental and physical health are essential values to uphold.   What are some Islamic marriage quotes? Islam is a religion that emphasizes family values. Many Muslim marriage quotes emphasize the imp

How to Offer Salah When You’re Sick?

 What is the best way to offer salah when you are feeling under the weather? If you are seated, how do you offer salah without making noise? In this section, we will provide some tips on offering salah when sick or sitting. Greet Everyone:  It is essential to greet everyone when entering a mosque. It includes the imam, any other worshipers, and even the janitor. Greeting someone shows respect and appreciation for their religion. It can also help to build relationships and create a sense of community. Remove your shoes: It is customary to remove your shoes. It is done to show respect for the mosque and its holy grounds. It is also considered polite to keep your feet clean, as mosques are often used as places of prayer. Get Prepared for the Prayer: When you are sick, it is important to offer a prayer. There are specific steps that you need to take to offer the prayer. The first step is to get ready. You need to ensure that you have all the supplies with yo

How to Celebrate a Walima According to Sunnah..!!

  Walima is an Islamic wedding ceremony. It is a time for families and friends to get together and celebrate the marriage of two people. The Sunnah way of walima is a traditional way of celebrating weddings. It has been passed down from generation X to generation Alpha. What is Walima? Walima is the traditional wedding feast in Islam. It is a Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and a time to celebrate the marriage and honor the bride and groom. The primary purpose of walima is to strengthen the marital relationship. Why Is Walima Important? Walima is a crucial Muslim celebration that celebrates the marriage of the couple. Walima is also known as the "Feast of the Wedding." Walima is a time to celebrate love, family, and friendship.  What Are the Different Types of Walima? Walima is driven from the Arabic word for "wedding." In Islam, there are many walima ceremonies, each with its specific objectives. Walima is often seen as a Sun

How Deen is different from Religion?

  Islam is the religion of 1.8 billion people around the world. It is the second-largest religion in the world. Muslims follow the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). There are many differences between deen and religion . What Is the Difference Between Deen and Religion?  Deen is an Islamic term that refers to the principles and practices of Islam . Religion is a term used to describe the beliefs and practices of various religious groups. While deen and religion share some common elements, they also have significant differences. Deen focuses on the spiritual aspects of life, while religion focuses on life’s spiritual and temporal aspects. Deen emphasizes obedience to God rather than human authority, while religion often has a hierarchical structure. Finally, deen is based on faith in God alone, while religion can include belief in deities or gods. What Are the Similarities Between Deen and Religion?  Both deen and religion are ways of living one’s life that emphasize obe