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Cure Cancer with Prophetic Medicine

A cancer cure is available based on the Quran and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The treatment is known as "prophetic medicine," based on the belief that Allah (SWT) has the power to cure any disease.

What is Prophetic Medicine?

Prophetic Medicine is a healing modality that uses the power of prayer, intention, and visualization. It is based on the belief that God speaks to us through our thoughts and feelings and that He can use our prayers to heal people or things. Prophetic Medicine is used to treat a variety of conditions, including cancer. Some believe it can help cure the disease in its early stages or even prevent it from developing.

Cure of Cancer in the Quran:

Cancer is a devastating disease that can take away the lives of those affected. The Quran has spoken about a cure for cancer, and this Medicine comes from the faith of Islam. Muslims believe that Allah (God) is the one who can cure any disease, and they are encouraged to use all means possible to seek His help. It includes prayer, fasting, and seeking medical advice from qualified professionals. Here is the dua for curing cancer;

And We send down the Qur’ān that is healing and mercy for the Believers. (AlQuran 17:82)

However, only Allah (God) knows the true cure for cancer, and it is up to each person to seek Him out. Muslims are encouraged to rely on their faith in Allah (God) and not on any human being or medical institution to find a cure for cancer. Muslims have been victorious in curing many diseases using traditional methods such as prayers and medicines, so they know that Allah (God) can heal cancer if we ask Him for help.

Reciting Surah Falaq and Surah Nas can help ease your symptoms when you feel sick or have a severe disease.

Surah Al-Falaq:

The Surah Al-Falaq deals with the subject of good and evil. The surah starts with "In the Name of God, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate." The surah ends with a warning to believers about those who reject faith.

The main message of this surah is that there is a dualistic way of looking at life—good vs evil—and that this way of thinking leads to division and conflict. The surah warns believers about rejecting faith in God, as this can lead to severe consequences in this life and the final day.

Surah Nas:

One of the important topics discussed in Surah is Cancer. The Quran mentions that there is a cure for cancer (verse 9):

"And We will restore them to health and increase their strength; they will say: 'Our Lord, you have brought us forth from the dead, granted us life again, and given us forgiveness; therefore, do not punish us if we forget or lapse after You have guided us.'"

This verse references two previous verses about how people were brought back to life after they died. It suggests that there might be a cure for cancer because it is like how people are cured of death. The Quran also mentions that those who have cancer will be healed (verse 10):

"And those who are ill among you, - especially those who are suffering from Cancer, - We will heal them and make them well; so do not grieve for them but seek help with patience."

ZamZam Water for the Cancer Cure:

Prophetic tradition informs us of a miraculous cure for cancer that can achieve through the consumption of ZamZam water. The Prophet Muhammad recounted God had revealed to him: "Drink ZamZam water, and it will heal you from your cancer." He said: "I drank it, and it healed me."

ZamZam Water has been touted as a cure for cancer by many. The water is said to contain minerals and vitamins that have anti-cancer properties. Some people believe that water can help shrink tumors and stop the spread of cancer. 

Use honey as a cancer cure:

Honey has been used as a natural cancer cure for centuries. Many studies have been conducted on honey and its effects on cancer cells. Honey is antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, making it an ideal treatment for cancer patients. One study showed that honey could kill tumor cells in vitro, and another study found that honey could reduce the size of tumors in mice. There is still much to learn about the effects of honey on cancer, but it appears to be a promising treatment option for those suffering from the disease.

Healing cancer through onion Juice:

Onion juice is traditionally used as a remedy for various health problems and is effective in healing cancer. The onion juice can help speed up the healing process and remove any toxins that may cause cancer.


Prophetic Medicine is a safe and effective treatment for cancer, heart disease, and other serious diseases. If you are a cancer patient, you should consider using these treatments.


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