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Oneness of Allah-Quranic Verses

Islam is the religion of equality. It teaches its followers to be kind and respectful to everyone, regardless of their race, colour, or creed. The Qur'an is the Muslims' most important scripture, and it teaches that all humans are equal in the sight of Allah.

What is Tauheed or the oneness of Allah?

There is no god but Allah, One and Only, who is the Most Powerful and the Most Merciful. Muslims believe Allah is one, with no partner or son. All creatures must submit to His will, whether they know it.

The Qur'an declares:

"Say (O Muhammad): 'I am only a messenger from Allah; I do not possess any knowledge except what He has given me. And He has made me a Warner (to warn) mankind of his Lord's punishment.'" (Qur'an 41:53)

Tauheed can be translated as "the oneness of Allah" or "the uniqueness of Allah." This belief in tauheed is at the heart of Islamic monotheism and sets Muslims apart from other religious groups.

Verses About Oneness of Allah

The Holy Quran is the holy text of Islam. It is the primary source of religious guidance for Muslims. The oneness of Allah is a fundamental belief of Islam. There are a few verses in the Holy Quran that discuss the oneness of Allah. These verses are a reminder to Muslims that Allah is one and incomparable.

There is no god but Allah, Who has no partner with Him, and Who is the only God worthy of worship. The Qur'an declares that "Allah is One" and teaches that there is only one way to salvation: through faith in Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad). These verses underscore the oneness of Allah, as well as His uniqueness: there is no other deity worthy of worship.

The Holy Quran teaches that there is only one God, who created everything, and that people handle their actions. Muslims believe in Allah as the one true God and do not worship other gods. Allah is the perfect deity who guides people on how to live a good life. The Qur'an also teaches that there will be a day of judgment when people will be accountable for their deeds.

What This Teaches Us About Equality

Allah teaches us about equality in the Quran. We are all created equal, and Allah does not treat anyone differently. It showed this in the story of Adam and Hawa. Allah allowed Adam to eat from the tree of knowledge but prevented Hawa from doing so because she was created from his rib. It highlights that we are all equal and deserve the same rights.

Islam teaches us that all human beings are equal in the eyes of Allah. The Quran says that Allah created all humans from a single soul and placed them on earth as equals (Quran, 49:13). It means that no individual has any greater or lesser rights than any other. Islam also teaches us that everyone handles his actions. So, no one is automatically entitled to special treatment or privileges simply because they are Muslim.

These teachings about equality and responsibility apply not just to Muslims but everyone living on earth. Islam demands that everyone treat each other with respect and fairness, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, or religion.

How We Can Apply This in Our Lives

We can apply this in our lives by realizing that Allah is one, and we are all part of Him. We can also try to live our lives according to His principles and be kind to others.


Allah is One. It is a fundamental truth of Islam that we can apply in our lives to achieve greater spiritual understanding and peace. When we understand Allah is One, we can focus on Him more fully and connect more deeply with Him. It will help us be more open-minded and forgiving and more vital in our beliefs.

Islam teaches us to be kind and respectful to everyone, no matter their race or creed. This lesson is fundamental in today's world, where we see so much division and discrimination.


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