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How we do Repentance in Islam?

 In Islam, there is a concept of repentance which allows a person to repent for his sins and seek forgiveness. Islam teaches that repentance is an essential part of faith. Muslims are encouraged to repent for their sins and seek forgiveness from Allah. Repentance is seen as a way of turning away from sin and towards Allah, who is the only one who can forgive sins.


What is Repentance?

Repentance in Islam is a word that refers to the internal change that someone must go through to repent. This change can be summed up by the Islamic concept of tawbah, which means "to turn back." Repentance involves recognizing one's wrongdoings, feeling regret for them, and committing to change.


o   "Lord will help him who moves in the way of Him".


What are the Benefits of Repentance?

Repentance is positive energy prompted by Allah Almighty. There are many benefits to repentance, including:

·         It will bring you closer to Allah Almighty as He mentioned;

o   "Return to me, and I will return to you."

·         Allah Almighty will erase your sins and purify you

·         You will start bowing to God

·         Reducing stress and anxiety

·         Reducing feelings of guilt and shame

·         Increasing self-awareness and understanding of one's behavior

·         Opening up the possibility for change and growth


How to Repent in Islam?

Islam is the second-largest religion globally, with over 1.6 billion followers. It is a monotheistic faith that emphasizes repentance and forgiveness. To repent in Islam, one must understand and acknowledge their wrongdoings. They must also be sincere in their repentance and seek forgiveness from Allah and His angels and those they have wronged. Finally, they must commit to changing their behavior and living a better life. Repentance in Islam is done by offering Salat-Al-Tawbah to reins your sins away. We only have to follow the instructions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) of offering repentance prayer.

You only have to offer two rakats nafal (optional prayer). Then pray to Allah Almighty by forgiveness Dua's and seek repentance. Indeed, He is the most merciful and beneficial to you as he loves his people more than the love of seventy mothers. As said;


o   "Lord loves those who turn (to Him), and He loves those who purify themselves".



Repentance is a great way to forgive oneself and move on. It is a necessary step to achieving forgiveness and peace of mind. In Islam, repentance is the first step to restoring one's relationship with Allah. Repentance involves recognizing one's wrongdoings and asking for forgiveness from Allah. Once repentance has been accepted, the individual must take action to change their behavior and live a righteous life to earn Allah's forgiveness.


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